Renew + Restore Wellness Center, Pleasanton, CA
Lymphatic Training Course
Designed by Leah Lyons
Available Now!
About the course Instructor: Leah Lyons
Leah Lyons is the Founder, Owner and Staff Trainer of Renew + Restore Wellness Center. Her center provides integrative and complementary alternative treatments seamlessly weaved with traditional healthcare standards.
She volunteers as the Treasurer and Board Member for Lymph Rehab, a Non-Profit Organization supporting breast cancer survivors. She is also a Research Member of the Lymphatic Education and Research Network.
Ms. Lyons educational degrees, licenses and certifications include:
B.A. Organizational Leadership, M.A. Theology and currently pursuing Ph.D. Doctorate Degree. Lymphedema Therapist CLT, Lymphatic Specialist, Integrative Nursing Specialization, Cosmetic Surgery Therapist, Massage Therapist, Yoga Instructor, Intuitive Reiki Practitioner
Working in various Healthcare positions, her understanding of patient centered care and diversity is embraced with relatability. Her personal journey includes enduring the traumatic loss of both of her parents deaths from cancer, and navigating as they both suffered from lymphedema.
Ms. Lyons has personally recovered from post-op swelling due to an infection acquired during surgery, which then required a second surgery; followed by her having to wear a wound vacuum device on her surgery site for four weeks.
Her professional background extends over twenty years in multiple corporate and wellness settings.
A note from Leah:
"On behalf of my clients, I thank you for taking this step. My clients have been asking, and wondering why there are not more people that can help with lymphatic care. This course was born out of the tears of one particular client, who endured an unsanitary treatment with an non certified person and now suffers from PTSD. I do not blame our traditional healthcare system, I do not blame the clients for their lack of knowledge. There is no time to blame, there is only time for a solution that needed to happen immediately. As a busy working mother, I could not feasibly conquer designing an in-depth course, however, the urgency for accuracy and accessibility in lymphatic care training gave me an unwavering energy to bring this course to the public.
From the bottom of my cisterna chyli, (a lymphatic reference joke), thank you for learning,
With Gratitude, Leah